Friday, August 9, 2013

Mark 10

Mark 10

Divorce (1-12)

    Many things can and should be said about this subject from the Bible, but today let's leave it at the fact that divorce was never God's plan.

Receiving Children (13-16)

    The disciples had a lesson on this in chapter 9:36-37 and here they blew it. I sometimes need the lesson repeated myself.

The rich young ruler and the lesson that followed (17-31)

    The problem with this young man was that he wanted eternal life on the basis of goodness and not grace. When Jesus reminded him of the commandments, he should have said, "U oh, I have broken those", instead he claimed his goodness.
    Jesus' challenge to sell what he had and follow him pointed out that the real problem was a trust issue. He trusted his riches and his perception of goodness more than he was willing to trust Jesus (24). You see he came to Jesus for a pat on the back and not a dose of the truth. He expected Jesus to say, "Are you kidding me, you are the poster boy for eternal life receivers." Instead he got challenged that he was just the same as all sinners.

Jesus' death and resurrection (32-34)

    If you have been paying attention Jesus is repeatedly telling them about these coming event to prepare them.

The pursuit of greatness (35-45)

    Jesus makes it clear once again that greatness in his kingdom comes through service, he being the chief example (45).

Blind Bart (46-52)

    When you know you need Jesus, don't let anyone tell you to shut up.

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