Monday, August 26, 2013

Should a woman were pants? The answer is not always as easy as it may seem.

1 Corinthians 11

A tradition that teaches a truth about authority (1-16)

    The real point of these first 16 verses is that of God's authority structure in the church and the home. Now I realize that it is not popular in some circles, but this passage and several others make it clear that God works through male leadership. Some may not like that, but if so they have to take it up with God not me.
    This certainly does not mean that the women or wife is to be subservient and if you carefully study how God says the man is to treat his wife you would never come to that conclusion. The whole point of the head covering was that in that time it was a sign of the woman's submission to authority, both her husband's and God's.
    Was it a sin then or now for a women to pray without her head covered? No, verse 16 makes that clear. But again the point is about respecting authority. No one in our society would say, "Look, she is praying with her head uncovered. She has no respect for her husband". But they would have in their society.
    I remember the first time I went to Kenya and taught there, during one of our breaks the pastors from Uganda asked me if it was wrong for women to wear pants. I started explaining that what the Bible taught was modesty and whether it was pants or a dress that is what we should all be concerned about is modest dress. They then told me that in their area it was commonly believed that a women that wore pants was a prostitute. I told them that in that case I would teach the women not to wear pants, but not because the Bible says not too, but for testimony sake.
    This is a similar situation. Don't get so caught up in the head covering that you miss the point. We all need to understand God's authority structure and follow it in obedience to him.

The Lord's Supper or communion (17-33)

    Some people do not like the word communion. I think it is because they are afraid we will be related to some other religious groups that we know violates many scriptural principles. However,
1 Corinthians gives us more information about this than any other book of the Bible and it is called by various names in the book. In 1 Corinthians 5:8 it is called The Feast. In 1 Corinthians 10:15-22 it is called Communion and the Lord's Table. Here, in 1 Corinthians 11:20 it is called The Lord's Supper.
    No matter what name you give it, the Corinthians had it all messed up and as a result were being chastened by God. Communion is not something to be light hearted about, but we should carefully seek to follow the Lord's example as we observe the remembrance of what he did for us in his death.

1. Their failure to properly observe the Supper (17-22)

2. The way Jesus observed the Supper (23-26)

3. The dangers of doing it improperly (27-33)

1 Corinthians 12

1. The spiritual gifts (1-11)

    Spiritual gifts are a hot topic. Tomorrow I will have more to say about their role in our present day church life and service for the Lord. As I study God's word I see several gifts that God gives to people and not all are named here. There is also a list in Romans 12:6-8. Looking at these two list there seems to be some differences.

1 Corinthians 12                                                             Romans 12

Spirits Gifts                                                                       Grace Gifts
Miraculous Gifts                                                               Ministry Gifts
Temporary Gifts                                                                Permanent Gifts

    We will look at this a bit more tomorrow.

2. The concept of body (12-31)

    No concept could be of greater importance for the church member. You are an intricate part of something bigger than you can be by yourself. Your part is needed and important, but it is not the only part. Without your part the body is hindered, but it can survive and go on without it, if the need be. WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST! What an honor and what a responsibility.

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